NYS Public Authorities Employee Salary Information
Metropolitan Transportation Authority · Train Service Supervisor

Jurisdiction: New York State
Source: New York State, Authorities Budget Office

This dataset includes 31 thousand employees worked in public authorities of New York State. Public authorities are required by Section 2800 of Public Authorities Law to submit annual reports to the Authorities Budget Office that include salary and compensation data. The dataset consists of salary data by employee reported by State Authorities, Local Authorities, Industrial Development Agencies, Local Development Corporations. Each employee is disclosed with authority name, department, job title, salary, etc.

Train Service Supervisor · Metropolitan Transportation Authority · Search Result

Name Authority Position Compensation
Joseph H Mason Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 154687
Kenneth G Natal Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 154620
Charles M Escobar Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 153836
Thomas M Thomas Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 153737
Gesner Auguste Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 152531
Haitram S Gajraj Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 151518
Raul Nin Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 151335
Andrew A Stevens Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 149965
Mark S Harvey Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 148912
Brandon A Velasquez Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 148204
Charles W Foreman Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 147863
John J Urbanski Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 147844
David A McLetchie Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 147673
Andrew J Weber Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 147531
Tweh K Friday Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 147401
Andrew Bobyn Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 146860
Burrell Canty Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 146699
Ganesh D Narine Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 146503
Eustace O Camal Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 145927
William K McGuire Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 145019
Alan S Baum Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 144295
Lance L Parrish Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 144137
James D Butler Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 143778
Deodat Samsoondarrh Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 143267
Eusebio J Pena Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 143159
Rao N Ali Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 143074
Johnson George Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 142718
Edsson O Benedith Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 142696
Glen E Manning Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 142319
Devonne C Watson Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 142076
Keith F Klag Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 141896
Thomas Williams Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 139854
Alvin Johnson Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 139535
Wilbert Colon Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 139531
Robert Tiniakos Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 138591
Anthony Taylor Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 138437
Anthony Williams Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 137710
George L Martinez Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 137535
Syed S Hussaini Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 137050
Kelvin Hicks Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 135737
Gladstone A Francis Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 135602
Dennis E Garcia Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 135153
Emmanuel Perez Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 134821
German F Garcia Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 134579
Lino E Flores Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 134550
Samuel Jattan Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 133880
Steven Wiatrak Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 133627
Shontel L Rooks Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 133584
Carlos Santiago Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 133222
Neil P Sullivan Metropolitan Transportation Authority Train Service Supervisor 132770