Nassau Health Care Corporation

Employer: Nassau Health Care Corporation

CAROL HENRY is employed with New York State, Nassau Health Care Corporation. The job title is NURSES AIDE I.

Employee Overview

Authority Name Nassau Health Care Corporation
Department NUMC Nursing - 7W Respiratory
Position Title NURSES AIDE I
Title Group Operational
Pay Type Full Time
Exempt Indicator No (Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Recent Salary Information

Fiscal Year End Date 12/31/2015
Total Compensation 60958.10
Base Annualized Salary 42338.84
Actual Salary Paid 51970.16
Performance Bonus 0.00
Overtime Paid 763.69
Extra Pay 8224.25
Other Compensation 0.00
Paid by Another Entity No

Salary History

Year Position Title Total Compensation Base Salary Actual Salary Overtime Extra Performance Other
2015 NURSES AIDE I 60958.10 42339 51970 764 8224 0 0
2014 NURSES AIDE I 58475.85 41402 49724 568 7434 750 0
2013 NURSES AIDE I 59989.56 39810 41668 9340 8232 750 0
2012 NURSES AIDE I 78449.12 39810 59900 10469 7580 0 500
2011 NURSES AIDE I 78430.19 39810 59873 10416 7591 0 550

Employees with the same name

Name Authority Position Compensation
CAROL HENRY New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation CLERICAL ASSOCIATE - L II 42776

Authority Information

Authority Name Nassau Health Care Corporation
Authority Address 2201 Hempstead Turnpike, East Meadow, NY 11554
Employee Count 6336
Maximum Salary 1284054
Average Salary 55702

Employees with the same authority

Name Authority Position Compensation
PAUL SCOTT Nassau Health Care Corporation PHYSICIAN 1072645
LAMBROS ANGUS Nassau Health Care Corporation PHYSICIAN 966976
RICHARD BATISTA Nassau Health Care Corporation PHYSICIAN 942321
VENKATESH SASTHAKONAR Nassau Health Care Corporation PHYSICIAN 765597
LEONARD BARRETT Nassau Health Care Corporation PHYSICIAN PT 731113
MARILYN ROBERTSON Nassau Health Care Corporation PHYSICIAN 718801
CHAUR-DONG HSU Nassau Health Care Corporation PHYSICIAN 713445
EDWIN GONZALEZ Nassau Health Care Corporation PHYSICIAN 664207
ANTHONY BOUTIN Nassau Health Care Corporation PHYSICIAN 659512
PAUL MUSTACCHIA Nassau Health Care Corporation PHYSICIAN 618344
Find all employees in Nassau Health Care Corporation

Position Information

Position Title NURSES AIDE I
Authority Name Nassau Health Care Corporation
Employee Count 240
Maximum Salary 174414
Average Salary 54861
Position Title NURSES AIDE I
Authority Name All Authorities
Employee Count 240
Maximum Salary 174414
Average Salary 54861

Employees with the same position and authority

Name Authority Position Compensation
QUETLY DEJEAN Nassau Health Care Corporation NURSES AIDE I 174414
EMELDAH SANDWE Nassau Health Care Corporation NURSES AIDE I 163778
AUDREY WILSON Nassau Health Care Corporation NURSES AIDE I 159281
MARIE JANVIER Nassau Health Care Corporation NURSES AIDE I 155988
ROSE AUGUSTE Nassau Health Care Corporation NURSES AIDE I 146090
DINA CINEUS Nassau Health Care Corporation NURSES AIDE I 145793
ELDRIDGE SHINKONDE Nassau Health Care Corporation NURSES AIDE I 143375
ALICE HAMILTON Nassau Health Care Corporation NURSES AIDE I 141060
MICHELINE FRANCOIS Nassau Health Care Corporation NURSES AIDE I 136817
ANNA LECONTE Nassau Health Care Corporation NURSES AIDE I 134262
Find all employees with position title NURSES AIDE I


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Dataset Information

Data Provider New York State, Authorities Budget Office
Jurisdiction New York State

This dataset includes 31 thousand employees worked in public authorities of New York State. Public authorities are required by Section 2800 of Public Authorities Law to submit annual reports to the Authorities Budget Office that include salary and compensation data. The dataset consists of salary data by employee reported by State Authorities, Local Authorities, Industrial Development Agencies, Local Development Corporations. Each employee is disclosed with authority name, department, job title, salary, etc.