NYS Campaign Finance Filings by Candidates and Committees

Jurisdiction: New York State
Source: New York State Board of Elections

This dataset includes 11 millions of campaign finance filings by candidates and committees who file campaign finance disclosure information with the NYS Board of Elections. Each filer is registered with filer ID, filer name, treasurer, locatioin, campaign finance filings, etc.

C24374 ยท Campaign Finance Filings

Campaign Finance Filings

Filer Name Transaction Contributor Contributor Address Amount Date
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships JANE MONAGHAN 6062 Burke Hill Road, Warsaw, NY 14569 100.00 05/11/2006
Expenditure/Payments WARSAW PENNYSAVER Main St, Warsaw, NY 14569 55.14 06/08/2006
Transfers In TRANSFER OF OPENING BALANCE 197.48 07/03/2006
Other Receipts WYOMING CO BANK 55 N Main St, Warsaw, NY 14569 0.25 12/31/2006
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships ED JORDAN N Maple St, Warsaw, NY 14569 100.00 02/21/2007
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships RON SMITH Route 20a West, Warsaw, NY 14569 100.00 03/19/2007
Monetary Contributions/All Other WYOMING COUNTY REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE Po Box 141, Warsaw, NY 14569 1000.00 02/21/2007
Monetary Contributions/All Other CITIZENS FOR DAN BURLING Po Box 208, Warsaw, NY 14569 250.00 03/30/2007
Expenditure/Payments MUGS AND MORE 1699 Clinton Ave, Rochester, NY 14621 486.00 02/27/2007
Expenditure/Payments WARSAW PENNYSAVER 72 N Main St, Warsaw, NY 14569 171.50 03/02/2007
Expenditure/Payments WCJW RADIO Merchant Road, Warsaw, NY 14569 132.00 03/19/2007
Expenditure/Payments WARSAW PENNYSAVER 72 N Main St, Warsaw, NY 14569 547.00 03/28/2007
Expenditure/Payments JIM VAN EPPS South Main St, Warsaw, NY 14569 97.50 05/02/2007
Expenditure/Payments WARSAW PENNYSAVER 72 N Main St, Warsaw, NY 14569 32.50 06/04/2007
Expenditure/Payments APPEARANCES DESIGN AND PRINT 72 N Main St, Warsaw, NY 14569 130.65 06/13/2007
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships EDGAR TURNER 4542 Liberty St, Warsaw, NY 14569 100.00 10/03/2007
Monetary Contributions/Individual & Partnerships JANE MONAGHAN 6062 Burke Hill Rd, Warsaw, NY 14569 150.00 10/03/2007
Monetary Contributions/All Other WYOMING CO REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE Po Box 41, Warsaw, NY 14569 1000.00 10/29/2007
Expenditure/Payments WARSAW PENNYSAVER Main St, Warsaw, NY 14569 142.50 10/15/2007
Expenditure/Payments WARSAW COUNTRY COURIER 11 Main St, Warsaw, NY 14569 252.00 10/29/2007
Expenditure/Payments WARSAW PENNYSAVER Main St, Warsaw, NY 14569 396.86 12/12/2007
Expenditure/Payments WARSAW PENNYSAVER Main Street, Warsaw, NY 14569 21.00 03/11/2008
Expenditure/Payments WARSAW PENNYSAVER Main Street, Warsaw, NY 14569 32.50 04/15/2008
Monetary Contributions/All Other WYOMING CO REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE Po Box 191, Warsaw, NY 14569 3000.00 10/17/2009
Expenditure/Payments WARSAW PENNYSAVER Main St, Warsaw, NY 14569 34.00 09/17/2009
Monetary Contributions/All Other WYOMING COUNTY REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE Po Box 191, Warsaw, NY 14569 2000.00 10/05/2009
Expenditure/Payments BECKY RYAN W. Buffalo St, Warsaw, NY 14569 530.54 10/06/2009
Expenditure/Payments WYOMING CO REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE Po Box191, Warsaw, NY 14569 175.00 10/09/2009
Expenditure/Payments JIM RUTOWSKI Main St, Warsaw, NY 14569 250.00 10/13/2009
Expenditure/Payments KEVIN ZECHES Wyoming St, Warsaw, NY 14569 241.51 10/19/2009
In-Kind Contributions DANIEL J BURLING Pox 208, Warsaw, NY 14569 165.00 10/28/2009
In-Kind Contributions JANET COVENY 125 Prospect St, Warsaw, NY 14569 105.60 11/04/2009
Expenditure/Payments WCJW RADIO Merchant Road, Warsaw, NY 14569 609.40 10/22/2009
Expenditure/Payments SCOTT GARDNER Po Box 272, Warsaw, NY 14569 183.40 10/26/2009
Expenditure/Payments BUSINESS PRODUCT CENTER 1561 Lyell Ave, Rochester, NY 14606 213.61 10/27/2009
Expenditure/Payments ROBERT HEUBUSCH 5649 Mungers Mill Road, Warsaw, NY 14569 141.20 10/27/2009
Expenditure/Payments US POSTMASTER Main St, Warsaw, NY 14569 660.00 10/28/2009
Expenditure/Payments WARSAW COUNTRY COURIER 710 Main St, East Aurora, NY 14052 138.60 10/28/2009
Expenditure/Payments JAMES SCHLICK 1468 Church Road, Darien, NY 14040 98.00 11/05/2009
Expenditure/Payments SCOTT GARDNER Po Box 272, Warsaw, NY 14569 14.67 11/05/2009
Expenditure/Payments DELUXE CHECK CHARGE 55 North Main St, Warsaw, NY 14569 19.20 11/09/2009
Expenditure/Payments SCOTT GARDNER Po Box 272, Warsaw, NY 14569 50.72 11/09/2009
Expenditure/Payments WYOMING COUNTY REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE Po Box 191, Warsaw, NY 14569 100.00 08/04/2008
Monetary Contributions/All Other WYOMING CO REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE Po Box 191, Warsaw, NY 14569 500.00 02/23/2009
Expenditure/Payments WARSAW'S COUNTRY COURIER Main Street, Warsaw, NY 14569 4.24 01/28/2009
Expenditure/Payments WARSAW PENNYSAVER Main Street, Warsaw, NY 14569 475.83 06/01/2009
A No Activity Statement Was Submitted
A No Activity Statement Was Submitted
A In-Lieu-Of Statement Was Submitted
Expenditure/Payments BUSINESS PRODUCT CENTER 1561 Lyell Ave, Rochester, NY 14460 161.45 12/03/2009